Better integration with MS Power BI

With version 2020.3, Jedox is releasing OData Hub, a new data service that makes it even easier to query, prepare and utilize Jedox data for analysis and visualizations in MS Power BI. This means finance and BI teams can discover and share new insights even faster based on latest forecast data along with budgets and targets. The native access to financial planning and analysis (FP&A) data broadens the foundation for analytics in MS Power BI. By integrating financial planning and operational planning across business functions, companies promote the organizational alignment based on strategic, financial and operational goals.

Users across the organization benefit from integrated planning and BI

A tighter integration of enterprise planning and business intelligence allows report builders and analysts to easily include formatted Jedox financial reports in their MS Power BI apps or create new analytics and visualizations using Jedox financial planning data. It also means decision makers in all functions can see the bigger picture and run integrated scenarios of financial and business impacts thanks to the enhanced data foundation. Finally, users can also submit their budgets and forecast directly in Power BI supported by intuitive planning tools that help create their plans faster and more effectively, capture comments and follow harmonized workflows.

Key features of the Jedox for MS Power BI package:

Query Jedox data in third-party systems with ease

The Jedox for MS Power BI package now also includes the new Jedox OData Hub. As a cloud-based service it makes Jedox data available for consumption by 3rd-party systems based on the OData Protocol standard. Jedox OData Hub allows querying Jedox planning, budgeting and forecasting data natively from a number of enterprise applications including Microsoft Power BI and Power Query (Excel), Qlik, Tableau and others.

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