ESG Integration: The Key to Sustainable Growth and Financial Success in the Future

The implementation of ESG requirements in 2024 will require businesses to adapt their processes and reporting to meet the new standards. We have developed a module that can support companies in their ESG implementation.

With Jedox's flexible and integrated platform, companies can efficiently collect, analyze, and report ESG data, ensuring compliance with upcoming regulations.

How we help with ESG implementation:

Data integration and collection:

Data can be integrated from various sources and formats, making it easy to collect and consolidate ESG data from internal and external sources. This ensures that companies have access to accurate and up-to-date information that is essential for making informed decisions about ESG initiatives.

Planning and forecasting:

The module supports companies in creating and updating ESG plans and forecasts, making it possible to adapt the strategy and resource allocation in accordance with the identified ESG objectives.
Dette hjælper jer med at forblive agile og responsive i forhold til skiftende ESG-krav og -muligheder.

Analysis and reporting:

User-friendly and analytical tools and dashboards are offered that can be customized to a company's specific ESG objectives. This makes it easy for decision-makers throughout the company to monitor and analyze ESG performance, identify trends and deviations, and prepare detailed reports that meet new regulatory requirements.

Collaboration and communication:

We make it easy for the entire organization to work together on ESG projects and initiatives, ensuring a coordinated and interdisciplinary approach to ESG implementation. This promotes a corporate culture that values sustainability and responsibility and strengthens the overall ESG profile of the organization.

Achieve a successful ESG implementation

ESG implementation is a complex and challenging process that requires effective data management, analysis, and planning. By using the advanced platform, companies can streamline this process and achieve successful ESG integration, ensuring compliance with upcoming legal requirements and contributing to sustainable growth.

Watch the webinar from Jedox about ESG implementation

The demo starts 22:30min into the video.

ESG a paradigm shift in the financial world

From 2024, new legal requirements will come into force that make it mandatory for companies and financial institutions to integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects into their operations and decision-making. This represents a milestone in sustainability and financial responsibility, as it promotes a systematic and comprehensive approach to assessing and managing the long-term risks and opportunities associated with ESG factors.

Thousands of companies have already chosen Jedox!

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