TDC Group Success story

Customer Succes Story
Qbits consultants, in close cooperation with TDC Group,
will conduct an advice and design phase
TDC Group
Tele communication, Telco
Finance, sales
The solution
Driver based planning
for the total group
System Environment
SAP, MS Data Warehouse,
MS Excel
Executive Summary
The solution will support a modernization and streamlining of the planning and forcast processes between TDCGroup and Business Areas - YouSee, Fullrate, Telmore, Danish Cable TV and TDC Business.

TDC has chosen Qbit to implement driver-based planning / forecast solution

A cross-cutting planning and forecast solution that integrates the local companies with the Group
TDC has conducted a comprehensive market analysis and testing of software solutions and has chosen Jedox as their future group planning and forecast platform.
With its agile and user-friendly approach, Jedox Suite will support the modernization and streamlining of comprehensive Excel-based planning and forecast processes that take place between TDC Group and the business areas – YouSee, Fullrate, Telmore, Dansk Kabel TV and TDC Erhverv.

Secure a user-friendly approach

Qbits consultants, in close cooperation with TDC Group, will conduct an advice and design phase and implement a state-of- the-art driver-based solution that covers both consolidation and integration and ensures more dynamic and user-friendly finance management in the individual companies.

Thousands of companies have already chosen Jedox!

We offer the opportunity to try Jedox for free – Our consultants are always ready with instructions for using the Jedox software or ready to answer any question you might have.