Beyond Budgeting

The time is now - to challenge the traditional financial management system and the budget? This is exactly what Beyond Budgeting focuses on, by measuring our performance over time and ensuring that the planning as well as learning to understand the future. Qbit takes the elements from the Beyond Budgeting philosophy and uses them to the benefit of the individual company. We can also help your business.
We have built up extensive knowledge in finance, activity and budget management, and our solutions are based on the German product Jedox, which can be integrated 100% with Excel, and which is at the same time as easy to use as Excel. Jedox is the market leader in modern budget management and can support budget anno 2020 as well as Beyond Budgeting elements.

Make better and faster decisions

For many companies, budgeting is a lengthy and demanding process. This process could perhaps be made far more value-creating if the energy were instead used for constructive, strategic dialogue and decisions. Beyond Budgeting has some concrete suggestions on how specific techniques such as rolling forecasting, trend curves and relative performance evaluation can be used as a management tool when used in a structured interaction.

What can Jedox offer?

Jedox embrace all business units to collect information’s and to support business and work processes,
and at the same time, gives insight in company goals and results.
Reading news.

What are the customers saying?


TDC Group
TDC Group driver based budget and forecasting solution. TDC made comprehensive market reaches and test of CPM software tools. Chose Jedox for their future corporate budget, planning and forecast platform.
Tryg Group Forecasting
It is essential for the Executive Board and the Group to have insight into the development of the business in a number of areas. For this, Tryg had over a number of years developed advanced and complex Excel and Access models to support the forecast.
Let's get in touch

Thousands of companies have already chosen Jedox!

We offer the opportunity to try Jedox for free – Our consultants are always ready with instructions for using the Jedox software or ready to answer any question you might have.