Effective Management of IT Contracts

How can businesses effectively establish a systematic and adaptable process that provides a comprehensive overview, while subscriptions and contracts are experiencing exponential growth?

What can we offer

How can I effectively establish a systematic and flexible process that allows my business to maintain an overview while my subscriptions and contracts experience exponential growth?

Qbit's IT contract management module provides you with easy access to your IT contracts and up-to-date forecasts. It is a specially designed, user-friendly, cloud-based solution that replaces the many Excel documents.

Do you recognize the following:

Always behind??

It is challenging and time-consuming to create a practical budget due to changing forecasts and to identify necessary actions such as contract renewals or adjustments of agreements due to fluctuating invoice amounts.

Manual and time-consuming??

Coordinating many subscriptions and IT contracts with different involved parties makes the process complex and time-consuming, especially when trying to gather input for a consolidated forecast.

Too many documents??

Struggling to enter invoices and update forecasts due to discrepancies between planned and actual values. Storing historical contract data increases the workload and requires careful maintenance of many Excel sheet variants.

Comparison is complicated??

Evaluating differences between the expected financial plan/forecast and the actual invoiced transactions related to subscription and contract payments.

The module allows your business to:

Prepare simple budgeting and a continuously updated forecast for your subscriptions, contracts, and one-time fees, which automatically update as you register your invoices.
Track and manage numerous subscriptions, IT contracts, and one-time fees, including creation, renewal, invoice payment, and adjusting payments as your business learns more about the expected costs.
Improve your financial management by filtering and sorting expenses across a wide range of customizable variables, including publisher, geographical location, cost center, and several other categories.
Distinguish between planned, active, and inactive costs while differentiating between historically planned and currently active costs, enabling easy variance analysis and scenario planning.
Avoid user errors with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface based on a cloud database, allowing all users to use the system with little or no training.
Because the module is flexible and easy to customize, you also get the opportunity to customize it to your specific needs in terms of filtering, master data, types of costs, and much more. In addition, Jedox has a powerful integration motor, which allows it to fit neatly with all the popular existing data systems, such as SAP or Microsoft 365 Dynamics.