Rolling Forecast

The traditional 12-month budget has been the dominant management control system globally for decades. In recent years, a process of change has been started towards frameworks such as forecasts, rolling forecasts or Beyond Budgeting.

Whereas budgeting is retrospective in nature and typically considered obsolete a few months into the fiscal year the rolling forecasting is forward looking and focusing on optimization of the future business.

Rolling forecast vs Budgetting

The optimization focuses on the company's operating model and key drivers that define the DNA of that company. Can clarify questions such as "do we have the right amount of resources to deliver according to the forecast" or "should we hire or lay off" etc.
The rolling forecast allows for an ongoing prioritization of resources and thus an optimization, so that the company can have a continuous learning curve and integrate these improvements in the company.
This should lead to better decisions and improve shareholder value. Traditional budgeting is typically a political process where negotiations and power are implicitly on the agenda.

Time horizon

How to forecast

Laptop computer analysis business data on office table.

Ready to Roll?


What are the customers saying?


You can’t do Rolling
forecast with Excel
Rikard Olsson, from the Beyond Budgeting Institute, said at the FP&A conference in Copenhagen, "You can't do Rolling forecast with Excel – I am not paid by Qbit but you need a system like Jedox to do this".
Tryg Group
It is essential for the Executive Board and the Group to have insight into the development of the business in a number of areas. For this, Tryg had over a number of years developed advanced and complex Excel and Access models to support the forecast.
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