Create your dashboard

With Power BI, you can quickly and easily use your integrated data to design a custom, automatically updating dashboard.

Dynamic data

Experience your charts and graphs dynamically changing as new data is added to your database - Make decisions based on the latest knowledge - instantly!
Shot of a group of businessmen having a meeting around a table in an office

Create unique dashboards

Power BI lets you quickly and easily share your dashboards, so your finance department and HR department
can each get their own unique dashboards - perfectly designed for them.
Divide your dashboards so that your employees have access to those that make sense with
infinite parameters: geography, task type, industry and more.
We would like to have visualized how easy it is to share reports with specific departments / persons (It is very essential for large companies) There is a video on ppt but possibly. Microsoft material?

Thousands of companies have already chosen Jedox!

We offer the opportunity to try Jedox for free – Our consultants are always ready with instructions for using the Jedox software or ready to answer any question you might have.