Jedox Success Story Faxe

Customer Succes Story
Succes Story Faxe Municipality
Jedox Success Story Faxe
Public, Municipality
Finance, Economics
The solution
Budget follow-up, budget-catalog, management information
System Environment
Dynamics AX, MS Excel, KOMLIS
Executive Summary
Streamlining manual, cumbersome and time-consuming work processes. Jedox has been chosen as a strategic and user-friendly platform, to eliminate the municipality's many manual work processes in connection with various tasks in both the Group and in subject areas.

Faxe Municipality chooses Jedox as a strategic platform for digitizing municipal processes

Faxe Municipality have chosen Jedox as the municipality’s standard platform to further streamline the many and heavy and manual work processes the municipality has in both the Group and around the various disciplines.

Faxe Municipality have chosen Jedox as their standard platform to further streamline the heavy and manual work processes they have in both at group level and around various business sites.

The first project involves the implementation of a new budget follow-up system and a digital budget catalogue.

Planning follow-up

Jedox replaces the current Excel model to automate the many manual tasks previously done, ranging from data collection, drafting of budget sheets, commentary, and monthly follow-up. With Jedox, the process is automated and users get through a browser for a dynamic and user-friendly solution.

Planning catalogue

The annual return process is very important when centrally emitting and collecting proposals for savings and efficiency from the organization, from 50-100 stakeholders in the municipality. It takes a lot of manual work to keep track of the individual mails with suggestions and descriptions, managing versions as well as preparing and maintaining the overall budget directory for subsequent decision on which proposals being included in the budget.
With Jedox, the processes and users are controlled digitally via a browser and all suggestions with descriptions which are automatically collected by users and consolidated. The Jedox database manages the individual proposals with financial and descriptions, who is responsible and what version. Once the process is completed, the Group chose the proposals which is going to be used in next year budget. Jedox allows the approved proposals to be directly transferred and added to the budget in connection with the municipality’s planning.

Following this implementation, Faxe Municipality is thinking of streamlining key areas such as planning, asset management, liquidity management and Jedox’s ability to gather data and facilitate follow-up and reporting in the individual disciplines.

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