Beyond Budgeting med Qbit

- "If you use Excel, you will appreciate Jedox"
Er tiden inde til et opgør med den traditionelle økonomistyring og budgettet? Beyond Budgeting har fokus på, at måle vores præstation hen over tid og sikre en løbende planlægning samt opbygge en evne til bedre at forstå fremtiden. Qbit tager de elementer fra Beyond Budgeting filosofien, og benytter dem til den enkelte virksomheds fordel. Vi kan også hjælpe din virksomhed.

We deliver solutions within weeks, on time and within agreed finances.

Træf bedre og hurtigere

Vi gør budgetlægningen hurtigere

Jedox lægger

Vi har stor viden og erfaring med programmet

Qbit som

15 års erfaring med budget og forecast

Træf bedre og hurtigere beslutninger

For many companies, budgeting is a lengthy and demanding process. This process could perhaps be made far more value-creating if the energy were instead used for constructive, strategic dialogue and decisions. Beyond Budgeting has some concrete suggestions on how specific techniques such as rolling forecasting, trend curves and relative performance evaluation can be used as a management tool when used in a structured interaction.

Jedox lægger grundlaget

Vi har opbygget stor viden inden for økonomi, aktivitets- og budgetstyring, og vores løsninger er baseret på det tyske produkt Jedox, som kan integreres 100% med Excel, og som samtidig er lige så let at anvende som Excel. Jedox er markedsførende indenfor moderne budgetstyrring og kan understøtte budget anno 2018 samt Beyond Budgeting elementer.

Qbit som sparringspartner

Qbit har mere end 15 års erfaring indenfor implementering af bugdet og forecast løsninger, og er en af de virksomheder, som er på forkant med udviklingen i forhold til Beyond Budgeting. Ligesom traditionel budgettering og økonomistyring, så kræver Beyond Budgeting også, at virksomheden har de rigtige værktøjer samt konkret viden om styringsfilosofien.

What is- and why Beyond Budgeting?

What is- and why Beyond Budgeting? Briefly on Beyond Budgeting Half of companies believe their budget will be no longer of interest when more than half of the financial year has expired. Beyond Budgeting accommodates a more modern management form. Beyond Budgeting focus more on measuring our performance over time and ensuring ongoing planning, such …

Læs mere om beyond budgeting

Tryg Group Forecasting with Beyond Budgeting

Tryg, som er Danmarks største forsikringsselskab, med 3200 medarbejdere, varetager forsikringer for 2,55 millioner privatpersoner samt for 140.000 virksomheder.

Læs hele historien

Thousands of companies have already chosen Jedox!

We offer the opportunity to try Jedox for free – Our consultants are always ready with instructions for using the Jedox software or ready to answer any question you might have.

Jedox named best in test of BARC 2018:

Europe's largest EPM survey - Jedox leader in:

Why Qbit?

“A project lasting more than 3 months is NOT a project, but a problem.”
  • Solutions that make sense

    We deliver state-of-the-art solutions which modernize and makes companies more competitive "A project of more than 3 months is NOT a project, but a problem." We deliver solutions in weeks, on time and on budget.

  • Skills

    Qbit consultants have deep financial insight and business understanding that will contribute to increase value and successful solutions with our customers.

  • Jedox Diamond Partner

    Qbit is the most experienced and compelling consultancy house, specialized as Jedox Excellence Center. Among the very few Jedox Diamond Partner worldwide and Jedox Certified Training Center in Scandinavia.

  • We are people working together with people

    We are at eye level with our customers and have the background and experience to understand their business. Our customers are God! Our mission is to help you become more competitive, efficient, and business oriented with support from our best-practice business consulting and with the use of modern budget, planning and forecast modules.

What Qbit's costumers says

“In 2011, we were hitting the limit with our Excel model, which had become very complex. We entered into a “Master of Science” collaboration with the purpose of converting our Excel to Jedox within 3 months. Today we use Jedox in the 5th year as our group budget and reporting platform”

Jan Knudsen
Head of Business

“Rambøll chose Jedox as a group budget and forecast solution for all 500 budget users worldwide – due to self-service, flexibility, user-friendliness and price – and for the first time ever, Rambøll has submitted its consolidated group budget on time”

Christiane Johansen
Director Global Support
”We chose a partnership with Qbit in August 2016 based on using Jedox to upgrade our Group forecasts to more automatic and modern management. We see great opportunities. We see great opportunities in the collaboration in terms of eliminating / upgrading the group’s many complex and manual spreadsheets, with the more flexible and user-friendly Jedox.”
Anders Egeblad
Head of Corporate

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