The modern, digital and user-friendly management of construction projects

"What used to take 6 weeks can now be done in 1!"

In this webinar, we will show how to implement and digitize construction projects.
Der vil være deltagelse af Linette Søndengaard fra Slagelse Kommune.

Ny dato for dette webinar kommer snart


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Do you recognize the following:

The municipality's work with budgets both centrally and decentralized with project managers, team leaders and subject managers is supported with Excel sheets, emails, Word, PDF, etc.
The process is slow, resource-intensive, person-dependent, manual and therefore fraught with risk at a time when strict and efficient management of the municipality's construction finances is increasingly being demanded.
Hvad gennemgår vi på webinaret - og hvordan løser vi det:
Demo of how the municipality can carry out construction and disposal accounts as well as consolidation and reporting of construction projects in one digitally coherent process. Where the process can be carried out efficiently, on a secure, user-friendly multi-user platform that eliminates manual work and thus saves time and resources.
Demo of how the municipality can digitize the production of financial reports in one digitally coherent process.
In the webinar, with our module "Digital management of construction projects", we will demonstrate:

Tilmeld dig følgende webinar

"Den moderne, digitale og brugervenlige styring af Anlægsprojekter"

Onsdag den 4. oktober kl. 11.00

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