Hear about Jedox module for financial consolidation - modern platform developed in collaboration with KPMG

"What used to take 6 weeks can now be done in 1!"

Financial Consolidation – Driving Process Automation and Financial Reporting Agility

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Do you use old technology and do you spend far too much time each year preparing consolidated accounts for your business? The financial managers typically have to go through many manual tasks with trivial and heavy processes, in order to consolidate separate accounts from subsidiaries, correct accounts of mergers and acquisitions, calculate in foreign currency and eliminate internal transactions in the company.
Benefits of Integrated Financial Consolidation:

With Jedox Integrated Financial Consolidation, you get a modern and unified approach to the company's results!

Join our webinar and we will show you a modern and integrated module, developed according to Best-Practice standards in collaboration with KPMG.
With Jedox Integrated Financial Consolidation, you will get access to budget / forecast and analysis, which ensures that it is not only the audited accounts that meet international reporting standards such as GAAP and IFRS, but that you also get a comprehensive overview of the company's financial results for the main stakeholders. Internal governance reports and KPIs provide the CFO and other business leaders with crucial financial insight into the company's performance.