Qbit expands

In our strategy of going international, we have per. January 2020 established a consulting company in Riga by taking over the company TVK, which has been working with Jedox and consulting projects for more than 7 years. The new company will be a subsidiary of Qbit Denmark and is called Qbit Latvia. With our experiences from Denmark and Latvia, we collaborate with Jedox to take part in major international projects and help Jedox start up and train new Jedox partners. For example. we have been involved in a Financial Consolidation project in Italy, Jedox training in Belgium and may need to start a major banking project in Dubai.
Qbit is Jedox's Excellence Center and one of the largest and most experienced Jedox consulting houses worldwide and with in-depth knowledge and expertise in areas such as:
"We want to be the best friend of the CFO"
Specialist within
Qbit offers modern and customized solutions based on standards to support our customers all the way.
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