Tryg Group Rolling Forecasting and Analysis platform

It was time and resource consuming

The challenge, however, was that the models required many manual processes. It took 6 weeks of work to collect and prepare a forecast, and at the same time it was technically difficult to show rolling forecasts – for the current year and 3 years ahead. It was often just in time Group Finance reached to deliver the forecast every quarter.

What previously took 6 weeks can now be done in one

With Jedox, all data and business processes are digitized so that the solution guides the communication to the users in the business, and ensures that all input in the form of changes to forecasts, proposals for new initiatives and explanations are automatically collected and promptly consolidated. Instead of the cumbersome spreadsheets with many sub-sheets, the business now receives targeted, simple and easy-to-use forecasting tools in a modern browser that makes it easy and fast for users to access up-to-date information and quickly and easily report to the Group Finance.
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