AIssistedTM Planning and Performance Management

The digital transformation is changing business as we know it. Data is the new currency, and companies need to continuously analyze data from multiple sources in realtime. Artifi cial Intelligence (AI) thrives on massive data and fuels the digital transformation. Thanks to the availability of aff ordable and scalable computing resources in the cloud, AI-enabled business applications will soon be the new normal.

Are you ready for this new era where people and intelligent machines are working together towards a common goal?

AIssistedTM Planning is the Jedox AI engine that enables planners to leverage predicitive analytics, artifi cial intelligence and machine learning for smarter, more automated Enterprise Performance Management. AIssistedTM Planning makes predictive forecasting, smart decision-support and dynamic planning accessible to everyone in the company. Drive quality and automation in forecasting, leverage new insights and recommendations for performance management, and use key drivers to simulate the future of your business.

How AIssistedTM Planning works - Core Capabilities

The Jedox AI engine delivers answers to many different types of business questions applying its core functions for predictive planning and analytics, AI and machine learning to Enterprise Performance Management.

AIssistedTM Data Preparation:

The services find gaps and outliers in time series and connected data and recommends values through outlier detection, interpolation and continuous learning.

AIssistedTM Forecasting & Prediction:

The advanced analytics service for time-series data returns the best prediction as a baseline for planning and forecasting. It includes upper and lower bounds as well as a quality factor for the prediction using multiple optimized algorithms like ARIMA, Exponential Smoothing, Holt Winters, Random Walk etc.

AIssistedTM Decision-Support:

The advanced analytics service for time-series data returns the best prediction as a baseline for planning and forecasting. It includes upper and lower bounds as well as a quality factor for the prediction using multiple optimized algorithms like ARIMA, Exponential Smoothing, Holt Winters, Random Walk etc.

AIssistedTM Dynamic Planning:

Identify the key drivers for business performance and uncover relationships. Connect drivers for financial and operational plans and integrate real-time data for a dynamic simulation of future business results.

Technology FAQ:

AIssistedTM Planning:
"We want to be the best friend of the CFO"
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