Budget and Forecastning

Make an end to all the hassle and the manual work with the many spreedsheets – back and forth with more spreadsheets, explanations, consolidation and finance system.


Municipal budget follow-up Faxe Municipality

Faxe Municipality chooses Jedox to automate and streamline the municipality’s processes,
and to improve the user-friendliness of the recurring budget follow-up,
which is referred to as “My Expected Accounting” in municipal management.

Koncernøkonomi klargører budgetopfølgning til hele kommunen

The system automatically collects budget and consumption from the finance system and distributes the local follow-up in relation to area and budget responsibility. History and comments from last estimates are provided to the individual budget users. Group finances comment in relation to areas of attention and guidelines. The process is opened by pressing the button and the budget managers are informed that the budget is ready and information on deadlines for feedback.

Group finance has a graphical overview

Group finance has a graphical overview of the budget managers via a status monitor, which tells whether the user is started, is in process, has submitted or is approved.

Budget responsible in the subject
area can see its consumption

The budget responsible in the subject area can see its consumption to date, its budget and with information and guidelines from Group Finance. The budget manager enters his expectations and comments in relation to deviations and attention points. He can comment on several levels, own notes, to the center manager and to the management/ political level. When the work is finished, the button is pressed and budget follow-up is delivered automatically.

Unit manager/ center manager receives a consolidated budget version for his area

Unit manager / center manager receives a consolidated budget version for his area, can assess the individual expectations and comments and can approve a total budget follow-up for the area. Can approve, but can also reject budget proposals if more information or new assessment of the expected economy is desired. Unit manager / center manager sends an approved and overall budget follow-up to Group Finance, possibly. with own comments / explanations for the overall version.

All budget inputs are
automatically consolidated

All budget input is automatically consolidated and Group Finance has a prominent access to a comprehensive version with accompanying comments. Accepted by Group Finance and the budget follow-up forms the basis for reporting to the Executive Board and the case presentation at the political level.

Thousands of companies have already chosen Jedox!

We offer the opportunity to try Jedox for free – Our consultants are always ready with instructions for using the Jedox software or ready to answer any question you might have.

Why Qbit?

“A project lasting more than 3 months is NOT a project, but a problem.”
Solutions that make sense

We deliver state-of-the-art solutions which modernize and makes companies more competitive "A project of more than 3 months is NOT a project, but a problem." We deliver solutions in weeks, on time and on budget.


Qbit consultants have deep financial insight and business understanding that will contribute to increase value and successful solutions with our customers.

Jedox Diamond Partner

Qbit is the most experienced and compelling consultancy house, specialized as Jedox Excellence Center. Among the very few Jedox Diamond Partner worldwide and Jedox Certified Training Center in Scandinavia.

We are people working together with people

We are at eye level with our customers and can understand the business. Our customers are at the center and it is important to us that we achieve good, efficient and trusting cooperation.

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