Upgrade Excel to modern EPM

Discover how a simple and user-friendly solution will improve your business. Jedox offers a complete solution for presentation, analysis and budgeting in a simple and user-friendly way.
Companies in the 21. Centuries
Enhver virksomhed skal kunne analysere, planlægge og rapportere til interne og eksterne forretningsansvarlige. Hele 86% benytter fortsat Excel til budget og forecast. Regneark er stadig standardværktøjet i finans. Excel er nemt, hurtigt og fleksibelt – men problematisk for forretningsprocesser.

Alt for tunge og langsommelige budgetprocesser og manuelle arbejdsopgaver, reducerer ikke kun produktiviteten, men er også en meget stor risiko for økonomiafdelingens ansvar, for at minimere risici på tværs i virksomheden.
New and modern tools help financial management recognize these challenges, and help transform their accounting role into a strategic advisor in the company.

Lateral and single Enterprise
Performance Management

Jedox simplifies and streamlines financial processes with an integrated budget/ orecast, reporting and analysis solution. Jedox is similar to Excel and therefore your company can quickly transform data into action. Jedox Models for P&L Budget/Forecast, Cost Center, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow, kick-starts your project and streamlines your budget processes with pre-built business logic that is easy to implement within weeks instead of months.
You can also expand with additional Jedox models (eg Sales Planning) to integrate detailed budgets for the various departments.

What can Jedox offer?

Jedox embrace all business units to collect information’s and to support business and work processes,
and at the same time, gives insight in company goals and results.
Businessman in formal suit, holds digital tablet in hands and reads business news on website

What are the customers saying?


You can’t do Rolling
forecast with Excel
Rikard Olsson, from the Beyond Budgeting Institute, said at the FP&A conference in Copenhagen, "You can't do Rolling forecast with Excel – I am not paid by Qbit but you need a system like Jedox to do this".
Tryg Group
It is essential for the Executive Board and the Group to have insight into the development of the business in a number of areas. For this, Tryg had over a number of years developed advanced and complex Excel and Access models to support the forecast.
Let's get in touch

Thousands of companies have already chosen Jedox!

We offer the opportunity to try Jedox for free – Our consultants are always ready with instructions for using the Jedox software or ready to answer any question you might have.