Jedox Financial Consolidation

A digital integration of Financial Consolidation also includes budget/forecast and analysis, and has a number of benefits. Integrated Financial Consolidation not only ensures audited accounts that meet international reporting standards such as GAAP and IFRS, but also provides a comprehensive overview of the company's financial results to key stakeholders. Internal governance reports and KPIs give the CFO and other business leaders a crucial financial insight into the company's performance.
Benefits of Integrated Financial Consolidation:

Statutory reporting and group consolidation

Financial Consolidation – Driving Process Automation and Financial Reporting Agility
Are you spending countless hours of work every year preparing consolidated financial statements for your organization? Finance professionals typically go through many manual steps and a complex, tedious process
to consolidate separate financial statements from subsidiaries, properly account for mergers and acquisitions, calculate foreign currency translations and eliminate intercompany transactions.
A comprehensive approach to results with Integrated Financial Consolidation.

What is Financial Consolidation?

In financial accounting, consolidated financial statements provide a comprehensive view of an organization’s financial position by combining financial data from all its subsidiaries and business entities and rolling it up to the parent company for reporting purposes. Public companies must follow the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for external disclosure of consolidated financial reports and comply with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for international disclosures.

Jedox Financial Consolidation Software

Fast, agile and connected. Meet internal and external reporting requirements with high speed, agility and consistency. With Jedox Financial Consolidation software you can automate complex consolidation measures and accelerate reporting to free-up time and resources. Jedox is an integrated Enterprise Performance Management solution combining financial consolidation and financial reporting with planning, budgeting and forecasting in one digital platform for agile decision-support.
Elegant mature businessman analyzing data in office

What can Jedox offer?

Jedox embrace all business units to collect information’s and to support business and work processes,
and at the same time, gives insight in company goals and results.

What are the customers saying?


You can’t do Rolling
forecast with Excel
Rikard Olsson, from the Beyond Budgeting Institute, said at the FP&A conference in Copenhagen, "You can't do Rolling forecast with Excel – I am not paid by Qbit but you need a system like Jedox to do this".
Tryg Group
It is essential for the Executive Board and the Group to have insight into the development of the business in a number of areas. For this, Tryg had over a number of years developed advanced and complex Excel and Access models to support the forecast.
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Thousands of companies have already chosen Jedox!

We offer the opportunity to try Jedox for free – Our consultants are always ready with instructions for using the Jedox software or ready to answer any question you might have.