Qbit – COVID-19

We are facing a potentially major crisis, perhaps one of the biggest challenges facing our society and businesses since World War II. But even though Denmark and most of the world are shutting down for a period, it will make us all be more aware of the need for more modern and real time solutions.
Microsoft Teams has gained attention, with many companies and municipalities upgrading in the recent weeks to achieve a more efficient communication platform.
For us in the FP&A area, to meet such a significant slowdown in the market will cause our Management-team to demand more digital readiness, to get access to insights and decision readiness now, and not wait for silo Excel sheets and BI reports to fly around in the company.
Forecasts, KPIs and expectations from the business must be collected and consolidated online and in real time – while decision makers can simulate on the fly, making decision faster, live and based on valid scenarios. Suddenly weeks and days are too long.
It will move towards a technology shift, with the need of more modern, agile, integrated and online EPM solutions – and towards efficient use of analytics intelligence. It will be the “new” standard for our companies.

In Qbit we have many years of experience from companies like TDC, Ramboll, Tryg, ABB, Maersk Drilling and I am sure we can help to get up running very fast.
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