Financial Consolidation, Statutory Reporting and Group Controlling

Achieving a broad, unified view of performance across an entire group is a complex, tedious and time-consuming task for finance.
Fast, agile and connected

Jedox Financial Consolidation

The Jedox Financial Consolidation Model is a configurable software solution for statutory consolidation and management reporting that enables the office of finance to meet internal and external requirements with high speed, agility and consistency. The solution automates complex consolidation measures and accelerates financial reporting that is audit-proof and meets international standards such as IFRS and US GAAP and ‘country’ GAAP.
Flexible management and KPI reports provide the CFO with financial insight and other business functions with validated financial data for self-service analysis. Jedox enables the integration of consolidation and financial reporting with planning, budgeting and forecasting on one platform for digital finance for group-wide performance management and decision-support.

What is Jedox Financial Consolidation

Accelerate financial reporting

Efficient, automated processes for data collection and consolidation reduce the time spent on preparing consolidated financial statements.

Improve performance management

Enrich the data foundation for planning, budgeting and forecasting with consolidated financial data for improved decision-making.

Ensure traceability for audits

A highly transparent process and audit trail helps auditors to trace data, KPIs and calculations.

Meet regulatory requirements

The highly configurable solution enables compliance with multiple international standards, industry-specific, and local requirements.

Fulfill internal reporting needs

Get better financial insight into group performance. Enjoy the flexibility to adapt reports for internalstakeholders and share intuitive tools forself-service analysis.

Deploy your solution quickly

This pre-built solution is highly configurable and ensures fast deployment to get your team moving quickly.

Key Features

Financial Consolidation is part of the Jedox Model family of pre-built applications that enable users to quickly configure powerful solutions for integrated enterprise performance management. With best-practice features and an unrivaled flexibility, the Financial Consolidation Model is designed for fast solution deployment.
Administrate complex group consolidation:

Financial Consolidation

Achieving a broad, unified view of performance across an entire group is a complex, tedious and time-consuming task for finance. Separate financial statements from subsidiaries, subgroups, joint ventures, and associates in different countries need to be consolidated using different methods. Mergers and acquisitions, foreign currency translations and the elimination of intercompany transactions add additional complexity.
So, it is not surprising that countless hours of work and manual processes are required to prepare consolidated financial statements and meet international regulatory reporting requirements as well as the needs of internal stakeholders for enterprise performance management.
Meet external reporting requirments:
Gain transparency and insight:

Automate consolidation measures:

*Available in Jedox Financial Consolidation v1.1.

Streamline data collection and validation:

Accelerate data preparation:
*Available in Jedox Financial Consolidation v1.1.

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Fordelen ved Qbit

”Et projekt på over 3 måneder er IKKE et projekt, men et problem”
Løsninger, der giver mening

Qbit leverer moderne og skræddersyet løsninger, så vores kunder ikke skal tilpasse sig eller nøjes med. ”Et projekt på over 3 måneder er IKKE et projekt, men et problem”. Vi leverer løsninger i løbet af uger, til tiden og indenfor aftalt økonomi. Tilfredse brugere og værdi for pengene.


Qbit konsulenter har en dyb økonomisk indsigt og forretningsforståelse som bidrager til værdi- og succesfulde løsninger hos vores kunder.

Jedox Diamond Partner

Qbit er en af Jedox mest erfarne og kompentente løsningshuse. 1 blandt kun 5 Jedox Diamond Partner på verdensplan og Jedox Certified Academy Center i København.

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Vi er i øjenhøjde med vores kunder og kan forstå forretningen. Vores kunder er i centrum og det er vigtigt for os at vi opnår godt, effektivt og tillidsfuldt samarbejde.
