Future Finance

Business person in a meeting
A big thank you to our customers for a year with many exciting projects, in close cooperation to streamline and modernize the often-heavy budget and forecast processes with a vibrant integration of the business, costs, staff, IT etc. Which ensures our customers digital readiness, increased competitiveness, and earnings in a more globalized and competitive market.

We have earned our contribution with our expertise in more than 30 projects in 2021, – with projects in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Italy, and the Middle East. If you are considering streamlining and automating your current Excel processes, replace the old CPM system? – Harvest the value of Jedox’s more agile and modern solution, which ensures your company a readiness for tomorrow’s financial management and a readiness for Future Finance – then we can maybe inspire you!
“Vi ønsker at være CFO´ens bedste ven”
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